Monday, March 4, 2013

Saturday Surprise -- Goals Unmet

This is not the blog I’d planned to write today.  I was going to write about Graffiti Art and my recent obsession photographing it, but instead, I’m going to tell a little story on myself...because I find I must brag about my pals.

My plan for Saturday was to be up, out of the house and walking by 9 a.m.  I spent the week sitting - ugh - in front of the computer working in my Etsy shop being massively productive.  As a result, my sad little bottom feels flat and flabby and I was more than ready for a brisk walk across town to the Museum of Art to run sets of the “Rocky Steps”, stop for oatmeal and coffee and then continue the walk back home.  A good six+ miles roundtrip -- and those brutal steps working up a good sweat along the way - I knew I would feel wildly virtuous afterwards.  I envisioned a halo on my head and a sleeve of Girl Scout Cookies in my future..

Here’s what actually happened on Saturday.  I got up, put on my comfy old robe and slippers, made a cup of jasmine tea...and sat down in front of the computer.  Vowing to get up and go “right after I finish this” at least a dozen times -- this led to that when three cups of tea and six hours later the doorbell rang.  Still in my P.J.’s mind you, I sheepishly answered the door to find dear friends - Ms. X and Mr. Y - in town for the day visiting Mr. Y’s lovely daughter Z who’s studying at Penn.   Pleased to meet daughter Z for the first time, we laughed, we chatted, we had a whorl-wind catch up and out the door they went.  Great fun -- they didn’t seem to mind a bit that I looked like I’d just crawled out of bed with my teeth unbrushed, my hair a fright and the house strewn with newspapers, tea cups and toast crumbs.

I was so happy to have seen them -- even briefly -- because, as I’ve known for many years, I have remarkably special friends.  Honestly, I don’t know why I’m so lucky, but I have world class, creme de la creme, hands-down the best people on earth for friends.  Here’s an example of why:  several hours after Ms. X, Mr. Y and daughter Z departed, laughing their merry way down the sidewalk, I got an email from Ms. X.  Here, in part, is what she said to me:   

You wear those silk pajamas well....It's rare that our friends are so "uptown" that they appear at 4 p.m. on a Saturday in silk pajamas and cashmere robes.  Do you know Myrna Loy???”

You know you are lucky in your friends when they surprise you at your worst...but manage to see you in fine, rare light...and of course Ms. X would know that Myrna Loy is one of my role models!  I’m afraid husband T did not receive William Powell comparisons in his sweats and baseball cap...I’ll be hunting up a vintage “smoking jacket” for him...on Etsy of course.

E. England

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